Cross and Shield Ministries Logo

Our Mission

Cross and Shield Ministries is here to provide emotional and spiritual support to first responders and to the families and victims of any crisis.
Mission Statement
Statement of Faith
Our History
What Is A Chaplain

Our Mission

Learn more about the mission and vision of Cross & Shield Ministries
"Taking God's Love Into The Crisis"

Cross & Shield Ministries Mission Statement

The primary Mission of Cross & Shield Ministries, Inc. is to provide pastoral care for the community, outside of the traditional church setting.
Goals & Objectives For Accomplishing Our Mission
As it relates to Emergency Services; Cross & Shield will provide pastoral care to law enforcement, and other emergency services personnel and their families.
In addition the Chaplain will be available to:
  • Assist the general public as much as possible, particularly but not only, as it relates to matters connected to law enforcement and emergency services.
  • Assist in notification of individuals who have lost a family member in a violent manner.
  • provide follow-up and appropriate referral to other helping agencies.
  • assist during times of emergency and or crisis situations.
Statement of Faith

The following is the Statement of Faith of the corporation; Cross & Shield Ministries, Inc., to which all staff, members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Council shall agree:

1st – There is one God, who is infinitely perfect and holy, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2nd – Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary as prophesied in the Old Testament and described in the Gospels in the New Testament. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried and arose on the third day. He is the only way to salvation and eternal life. He is now with the Father in heaven interceding for us and will come again to receive His saints and judge the world.
3rd – The Bible is the Word of God, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. It constitutes the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice.
4th – Man was originally created in God’s image. But, by his own choice, became a sinner and continues to choose to disobey God. Only by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ can individuals, be forgiven for their sins, restored to fellowship with God, and enable to live a life pleasing to Him, and have the assurance of eternal life with God.
Our History
How God Established Cross & Shield Ministries

In September of 1983 Rev. Paul Northcut and his family moved to Russellville Arkansas to become the pastor of a local Church. God blessed his ministry there. But Rev. Northcut also wanted to reach the world outside the walls of the Church with the grace and love of Jesus Christ.The question was – what special ministry did God have for him?

In 1987 Pastor Paul began serving as a volunteer, part-time Chaplain with the Russellville Police Department. This opened many doors of ministry that would never have opened otherwise. The officers, some a little skeptical at first, soon learned to trust and confide in the Chaplain. They had confidence in his judgment and respected his convictions. It was during this time that the Chaplain went through the necessary training to become a certified law enforcement officer. The Police Chaplain was called out to every kind of crisis and emergency imaginable, and some you could not imagine. People who would never darken the doors of a church found comfort and counsel during their worst nightmares from Chaplain Northcut. At a time when they felt overwhelmed, their lives were touched by God’s love shown through the Chaplain. The outreach grew to include not only the city police but every Emergency Service Agency for miles around. Before long Police, Fire, EMS, and Emergency Room personnel from all over this area knew the Chaplain and called on him on a regular basis for themselves, their families, and the people they dealt with.

This ministry expanded until the Pastor/Chaplain had to make one of the most difficult decisions in his life. After a lot of prayer, and knowing that the Lord was leading in this direction, Cross & Shield Ministries, Inc. was founded in November 1996. About a month later Chaplain Northcut resigned his church and, stepping out on faith, became a full-time, volunteer, Chaplain – now serving an ever growing list of more than fifty emergency departments – without any salary from these agencies for his ministry as their Chaplain. Additionally he serves all members of the public in the River Valley and beyond in times of crisis.

God has used Chaplain Northcut to train many others to serve as Chaplains in a wide variety of ministry opportunities. We have helped to train and certify many Assistant Chaplains to help in this ever expanding ministry. “Taking God’s Love Into The Crisis” is our motto, and we do that locally and around the country. All Chaplaincy programs are provided without cost or obligation to anyone in need. Thousands of people see God’s love demonstrated in very tangible ways through our Chaplains. Cross & Shield is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, faith ministry. You may want to help. The prayers, and tax deductible gifts, of God’s people are what keep this ministry going; and for those we are eternally grateful.

If you have questions about this ministry or your spiritual life you may contact Chaplain Paul Northcut at: P O Box 44 ~ Rsvl AR 72811 or email: . You may also call the Chaplain anytime at 479-264-6146

What Is A Chaplain?
Chaplains serve our community in a wide array of areas, read more below about what we do.
Cross & Shield Ministries, Inc – Chaplain’s Philosophy
Believing that God is the answer to man’s dilemma, the Chaplain bears witness to the love and power of God to the people he serves. The Chaplain provides pastoral care to the community, outside of the traditional church setting. He works closely with all emergency service agencies, helping them deal with the stress their occupation creates.

The Chaplain is also available to assist victims of accidents, crime and/or violence and any others who suffer the trauma of crisis, regardless of race, sex, creed, or religion.

The Chaplain shall be led in his own faith and actions by God’s reconciling love. He is always available and ready to serve all who are in need.

His ministry provides a source of strength and comfort to the agencies and individuals that he serves, as well as the community at large.

The Chaplain serves as a catalyst to bring God’s love and grace into the situations and relationships of those within the community as a whole.

Our motto is: “Taking God’s Love Into The Crisis”
@ 2025 Cross & Shield Ministires

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